Sowing Seeds of Change: WHYFARM Trinidad and Tobago

Sowing Seeds of Change: WHYFARM Trinidad and Tobago

In the verdant fields of Trinidad and Tobago, a groundbreaking movement is igniting a passion for farming among the youth. At the forefront of this agricultural revolution is WHYFARM, a trailblazing non-governmental organisation committed to fostering a future where the dual-island nation is food secure and where agri superheroes take centre stage. 

Nurturing Future Nourishers

WHYFARM or “WE HELP YOU-th Farm,” started on World Food Day 2015 in Tobago with a mandate to cultivate the future nourishers of our world. This vision revolves around empowering youth by instilling in them an enthusiasm for embracing agriculture. Audra Smith, the team’s communications and community coordinator, who first got involved through volunteering and writing a jingle for the organisation, says that they do this by using a first-of-a-kind approach in the country termed “agri edutainment.” This unique fusion of education and entertainment utilises the power of storytelling to show agriculture as not just exciting but a compelling career choice for the younger generation. 

group in White shirts
Young Agripreneurs from the first cohort of the Heritage Petroleum Company Here We Grow Training and Capacity Development Training Programme facilitated by WHYFARM 

Unveiling the Agri Superheroes

WHYFARM was founded in response to a looming issue of the ageing demographic of farmers. With the average age hovering around 55 years old and a global population projected to reach 9 billion by 2050, the spectre of food insecurity has become a top concern in the country and around the world. Enter Alpha Sennon, the founder and executive director, who saw a solution: inspire and empower the youth to consider agriculture as a viable career path from as early as three years old. How would they do that? By creating food and nutrition security superheroes.

These superheroes, including the likes of Agri-Man, Photosynthesista, and AgriBot, emerged as a tribute to the unsung heroes of farming—the farmers themselves. These characters not only captivate the imaginations of children but also carry a powerful message: farmers are the true superheroes of our society. Featured prominently in their comic books, these icons serve as compelling role models for youth and adults alike.

WHYFARM’s impact isn’t confined to the youth alone; it extends to budding agripreneurs who have been inspired by their unconventional methods. Through their 8-week training and mentorship programme AMPitUp T&T Agripreneur Mastermind in 2019, the organisation gave the 13 participants access to the business skills, networks, funding opportunities and information to develop their businesses to double or even triple in scale and push the limits of the sector.

With partners and sponsors including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the University of the West Indies, Thought For Food and Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago, the success of the programme positions it as a model for youth agri-business in the Caribbean. 

More Than Just Comic Books

WHYFARM’s impact goes far beyond comic books. They provide tours of their farm, agripreneurship training and establish community and school gardens, all in a bid to give youth hands-on experience cultivating their own indigenous food, and culture and help them to appreciate the journey from plant to plate.

The impact of their work so far has inspired many to become agripreneurs with children embracing gardening and community groups establishing gardens that turn the fruits of their labour into value-added products. 

woman in red shirt with crowd.
WHYFARM career day visit

Eight Years of Inspiring Transformation

Starting as a modest team of five or six members and a single character, Agri Man, their dedication and creativity have grown them into a full complement of characters, comic books and soon animated series that celebrate the local food and culture while educating readers. 

Throughout the years, WHYFARM faced multifaceted challenges, chief among them being fundraising for their unconventional model. Undeterred, they harnessed determination, and networking, sought mentorship, diversified their income and drew inspiration from global entities. Today, they stand as a unique force, representing the Caribbean and making a significant impact in agriculture.

This resilience, adaptability and unique approach to agri edutainment, allowed them to thrive in their mission and garner multiple awards including a community-based tourism award from the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Sennon’s recognition by the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago and for his TED Talk in 2018. 

Photos from media houses featuring Alpha Sennon, WHYFARM'S executive Director and Founder receiving an award from NGC ( the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited)

Cultivating Heroes for a Greener Tomorrow

In a world where agriculture is often overlooked, WHYFARM has found a way to make it captivating, exciting, and essential. Their journey exemplifies the remarkable impact of vision, passion, and creativity in shaping the future. By harnessing the power of superheroes, they are nurturing a generation that will embrace agriculture and farming as a heroic endeavour.

With them leading the way, they are sowing the seeds of a sustainable and thriving Caribbean that is pivoting toward a brighter, greener future.